For every new home construction a review is required before any site work can begin. The basic elements of a review submittal are: application package form, site plan, architectural drawings, landscape plan, review fee, road usage fee and the builders bond. Each package will need to have all the required elements within the submission prior to the Board conducting the digital review. There is a separate application for change required for any changes to an existing home which include additions, color changes and the install of pools or secondary structures.


Building your lake home can be an exciting and fun experience and we are glad you chose the Keowee Falls South Community to start this new journey.  The resources found here on the website are intended to provide the needed information that the architect, builder and you the owner will need through this process.

On the Info page we have assembled information which will cover the ARB review and application process.  Whether you are building a new home or are wanting to make changes to the exterior of an existing home you will find the needed documents and guidelines which will walk you through each step.  You will find more information on the ARB process on the Review Types and Fees page. You can call the Administrator at any time for additional assistance or guidance when you have a specific question or concern.  Thank you for choosing The Cliffs and the Keowee Falls South community.


”The ARB has thirty (30) days to respond to each submittal. Construction must begin within twelve (12) months of approval authorization and continue until complete; after such time resubmitted is required along with the associated fees.”

New Construction Landscape Plans

The preliminary landscape plan is reviewed along with the architectural plans so that the builder and home owner are aware of the minimal requirements for screening and landscape.  Six months after the start of construction a final landscape plan is required to be submitted for review.  We have found that the landscape installation can be a bit of a surprise at the end of the project with regard to price and installation time but having the landscape plan be a part of the initial review allows sufficient discussion to happen early on in the construction process.  All construction and landscape is required to be complete prior to anyone moving into the home.

New Construction Lighting Plans

Lighting can be a critical element to the design of the home and allowances are made within the Falls South Guidelines for its use.  Within the lighting plan it is required that lighting be kept at a minimum and that the number of lights be lessened as you move away from the home.  It is a requirement that the lighting exposure not extend beyond the property lines of the lot.  Lamp post lighting at driveway entrances is allowed upon review and pathway lighting to docks or secondary structures is allowed to aid in safety. All landscape lighting is to be low voltage and have a hooded design.  All flood lighting on the home is to be kept at a 60 degree down angle and not allow any light to extend to the neighbors property or on to the lake.  Lighting plans can be submitted with the Landscape plans but can be submitted separately prior to purchase and installation.

Changes To Existing Homes: 

As provided for in the Covenants all site preparation, excavation, changes in grade, landscaping or initial construction, alteration, or installation of any improvements to dwellings are required to be submitted to the ARB for approval. This includes but isn’t limited to the construction or alteration of outbuildings, driveways, fences, walls, signs, television antennas, clotheslines, mailboxes, post lamps, recreational or playground equipment and other structures. If such new structures or changes are desired the plans, elevations and specifications are required to be submitted to the ARB for approval in writing, showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, color scheme and location of the proposed improvement and/or landscaping.  An Application For Change form will need to be filled out and submitted with applicable documents to the Board for approval.

The building process can be exciting and challenging for those not living nearby during the construction of the home.  Having a good relationship with the contractor and site manager is key to a successful project.


Make the landscape an important consideration at the beginning of the project, discussing the installation time and cost.  The landscape installation is most commonly the last phase of the project before moving into the home which can be time sensitive and contain cost that were not planned for.


Take time through the design and contract phase of the project to understand each aspect of the home build and the contract wording.  Flush out any concerns early on and understand clearly what is outside the scope of the contractors agreement.


We value the quality of living here at The Cliffs and as such we require each project area to be kept clean and in order.

During new home construction many people will be transitioning to and from the site along with all the material deliveries required when building a home.  It is always a challenge to maintain an orderly site but it is a necessary requirement so that those who live close by are not disturbed.  This will be important to you after completion of your home as a neighbor begins their construction project.  Each site will be inspected weekly for compliance and site cleanliness.  Silt fencing and erosion control will be inspected and is required to be maintained throughout the project time frame.

Work Hours: M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-5pm
No work on Sundays or Holidays